Friday, December 16, 2011

Expose: The Vatican Wants to Lay its Hands on Jerusalem

By Giulio Meotti, Italy
First Publish: 12/15/2011, 4:14 PM

“Peace negotiations in the Middle East must tackle the issue of the status of the holy sites of Jerusalem”, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican’s Council for Interreligious Dialogue, declared several days ago in Rome.

The Vatican’s former foreign minister asked to place some Israeli holy places under Vatican authority, alluding to the Cenacle on Mount Zion and the garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

The first site also houses what is referred to as King David’s tomb.

There will not be peace if the question of the holy sites is not adequately resolved”, Tauran said...

Danny Ayalon, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, declared that Israel might consider giving the Vatican “a greater role” in operating the sites. In the last weeks, the Roman Catholic Church’s authorities increased their political initiatives for Catholic control over some sites in Jerusalem.

The Vatican’s former arcibishop in Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah, just promoted an appeal to the European Union and United States to “stop the Hebraization of Jerusalem...

Read the entire post

For biblical perspective, get your free copy of the booklet: Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The United States of Europe: A Proposed Economic Government

The American Dream

The integration of Europe is about to go to another level. As the European debt crisis deepens, there are cries all over the EU for full economic integration in Europe.

On Wednesday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel sent a letter to European Council President Herman Van Rompuy which stated that they want a new "economic government" for Europe to be formed...

While some are applauding the possibility of increased integration in the eurozone, others are warning about the potential consequences.

For example, a Daily Mail article entitled "Rise of the Fourth Reich, how Germany is using the financial crisis to conquer Europe" contained the following assessment of what deeper economic integration for Europe would mean....

This would entail a loss of sovereignty not seen in those countries since many
were under the jackboot of the Third Reich 70 years ago.

For be in no doubt what fiscal union means: it is one economic policy, one taxation
system, one social security system, one debt, one economy, one finance minister.
And all of the above would be German.

...the leaders of the EU are going to do whatever they can to keep it together. They truly believe that a fully united Europe under the banner of the EU is what is best for the continent...

Read the entire post:
The United States Of Europe: A Proposed “Economic Government” Would Integrate Europe To A Degree Not Seen Since The Roman Empire

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

EDITORIAL: Obama’s downgraded America - Washington Times

washington times

Excerpt:The Obama administration has made history by presiding over the first-ever downgrade in the U.S. credit rating. President Obama has outdone all his predecessors in wrecking America’s good name. His answer to this problem: Spend even more.

Raising the debt ceiling was sold as a way of guaranteeing the U.S. credit rating. It had the opposite effect, which makes sense to anyone who understands credit. Take a family with a median household income around $50,000. If they spend $85,000 a year and have debt at $300,000 and growing, it’d be foolish to let them borrow more because they don’t have the income to pay it back. Raising the debt ceiling ignored this reality. Then, the Obama administration immediately demonstrated its utter lack of creditworthiness by blowing 60 percent of the initial $400 billion increase in one day, the largest single-day accumulation of debt in U.S. history.

The White House blames the George W. Bush administration for every economic woe, but the numbers speak for themselves...

The Standard & Poor’s ratings downgrade is only the beginning. Moody’s Investors Service still lists the United States as AAA but with a “watch negative” caveat, and S&P managing director John Chambers warned that should U.S. debt go over 100 percent of GDP, America would face a second downgrade...

Mr. Obama is blithely passing the buck. At a Wednesday fundraiser, he refused to own up to his responsibility for the economic calamity America is facing, saying “because we were inheriting so many challenges, we’re not even halfway there yet. When I said, ‘change we can believe in,’ I didn’t say ‘change we can believe in tomorrow.’ ”

If the nation continues on this disastrous course Mr. Obama has set, there will be no tomorrow.

Read all:EDITORIAL: Obama’s downgraded America - Washington Times

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fury as judge frees paedophile teacher and tells him 'Staff are often attracted to children' - New low in the UK

Judge Mary Jane Mowat frees paedophile teacher David Armstrong
Chris Greenwood

A judge has let a paedophile teacher walk free after telling him she did not criticise him for being attracted to children.

Supply teacher David Armstrong had admitted hoarding more than 4,500 indecent images of children.

But handing the 63-year-old pervert a suspended sentence, Judge Mary Jane Mowat said: ‘I don’t criticise you for being a teacher who’s attracted to children.

Sickened? Read the Full story

Monday, August 1, 2011

The route to an EU referendum

The route to an EU referendum

A doorway has been opened that could give many people in the UK something they have long been crying out for, a referendum on whether we stay in the European Union or not.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth Is Stolen

by Rep. Dennis Kucinich
Global Research: July 15, 2011

Emphasis added:

The rancorous debate over the debt belies a fundamental truth of our economy -- that it is run for the few at the expense of the many, that our entire government has been turned into a machine which takes the wealth of a mass of Americans and accelerates it into the hands of the few.

Take war. War takes the money from the American people and puts it into the hands of arms manufacturers, war profiteers, and private armies. The war in Iraq, based on lies: $3 trillion will be the cost of that war. The war in Afghanistan; based on a misreading of history; half a trillion of dollars in expenses already. The war against Libya will be $1 billion by September.

Fifty percent of our discretionary spending goes for the Pentagon. A massive transfer of wealth into the hands of a few while the American people lack sufficient jobs, health care, housing, retirement security.

Our energy policies take the wealth from the American people and put it into the hands of the oil companies. We could be looking at $150 a barrel for oil in the near future.

Our environmental policy takes the wealth of the people -- clean air, clean water -- and puts it in the hands of the polluters. It’s a transfer of wealth, not only from the present but from future generations as our environment is ruined.

Insurance companies, what do they do? They take the wealth from the American people in terms of what they charge people for health insurance and they put it into the hands of the few.
We have to realize what this country's economy has become. Our monetary policy, through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, privatized the money supply, gathers the wealth, puts it in the hands of the few while the Federal Reserve can create money out of nothing, give it to banks to park at the Fed while our small businesses are starving for capital.

Mark my words -- Wall Street cashes in whether we have a default or not. And the same type of thinking that created billions in bailouts for Wall Street and more than $1 trillion in giveaways by the Federal Reserve today leaves 26 million Americans either underemployed or unemployed. And nine out of ten Americans over the age of 65 are facing cuts in their Social Security in order to pay for a debt which grew from tax cuts for the rich and for endless wars.

There is a massive transfer of wealth from the American people to the hands of a few and it's going on right now as America’s eyes are misdirected to the political theater of these histrionic debt negotiations, threats to shut down the government, and willingness to make the most Americans pay dearly for debts they did not create.

These are symptoms of a government which has lost its way, and they are a challenge to the legitimacy of the two-party system.

Read full text

Friday, July 15, 2011

Big Banks Waging Warfare Against the People of the World

by Washington's Blog
Global Research

Michael Hudson is a highly-regarded economist. He is a Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, who has advised the U.S., Canadian, Mexican and Latvian governments as well as the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. He is a former Wall Street economist at Chase Manhattan Bank who also helped establish the world’s first sovereign debt fund.

Hudson says:

* The European debt crisis is really financial warfare by the banks

* Indeed, the banks are in warfare against the rest of society

In a separate interview, Hudson says:

* What's going on in Greece is exactly what's going to happen in America in a couple of weeks.

* The big banks are forcing their bad debts on government

* They are also forcing governments to sell off national assets so the banks can install a "neo-feudalism

* As I noted in 2009, a leading progressive economist (... ) that the true purpose of the bank rescue plans is "a massive redistribution of wealth to the bank shareholders and their top executives".

As the wholly non-partisan Australian economist Steve Keen notes:

* "This is the biggest transfer of wealth in history", as the giant banks
have handed their toxic debts from fraudulent activities to the countries
andtheir people

* The big banks blew bubbles - using fraud -because that'sthe only way they could make obscene profits

Indeed, this isn't the "Great Recession", it's the Great Bank Robbery. The big banks have pillaged and looted the rest of the world.

Also by Washington Blog:
Will the U.S. Default On Its Debt ... Even If It Raises the Debt Ceiling?

Related post:
Europe and America: "Financially Burning"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Outcasts: Tonight Tens Of Thousands Of Formerly Middle Class Americans Will Be Sleeping In Their Cars, In Tent Cities Or On The Streets


Economic despair is beginning to spread rapidly in America. As you read this, there are millions of American families that are just barely hanging on by their fingernails.

For a growing number of Americans, it has become an all-out battle just to be able to afford to sleep under a roof and put a little bit of food on the table. Sadly, there are more people than ever that are losing that battle.

Tonight, tens of thousands of formerly middle class Americans will be sleeping in their cars, even though that is illegal in many U.S. cities. Tens of thousands of others will be sleeping in tent cities or on the streets.

Meanwhile, communities all over America are passing measures that are meant to push tent cities and homeless people out of their areas. It turns out that once you lose your job and your home in this country you become something of an outcast. Sadly, the number of "outcasts" is going to continue to grow as the U.S. economy continues to collapse.

Most Americans that end up living in their cars on in tent cities never thought that it would happen to them.

An article in Der Spiegel profiled one American couple that is absolutely shocked at what has happened to them...

Chanelle Sabedra is already on that road. She and her husband have been sleeping in their car for almost three weeks now. "We never saw this coming, never ever," says Sabedra. She starts to cry. "I'm an adult, I can take care of myself one way or another, and same with my husband, but (my kids are) too little to go through these things." She has three children; they are nine, five and three years old.

"We had a house further south, in San Bernardino," says Sabedra. Her husband lost his job building prefab houses in July 2009. The utility company turned off the gas. "We were boiling water on the barbeque to bathe our kids," she says. No longer able to pay the rent, the Sabedras were evicted from their house in August.

America is becoming a very cruel place.

Unfortunately, what has happened to that family is not an isolated incident. As rampant unemployment has spread across America, the number of people that have lost their homes has soared.

Today, it is estimated that approximately a third of the homeless population in Seattle live in their cars.

Desperation is rising all over America. Most people had hoped to see an economic recovery by now but it just hasn't happened...

The United States can be a very brutal place to be if you are poor...

We live in very frightening times. ..

Poverty is absolutely exploding in America...

Read the Entire Post

Biblical Perspective:
The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy
The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?

The Brink of Total Financial Collapse

The Brink of Total Financial Collapse
Michael Coffman --

The Western World is careening towards a total financial collapse that is now appearing to be unavoidable.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Devvy Kidd
June 27, 2011

Reprinted in full, emphasis added:

Warning: Explicit language

A man sent me an email after my last column on the queering of America's churches saying I shouldn't be so explicit in my use of words. Wrong. This country needs some reality and not just more propaganda wrapped up in fuzzy, politically correct words like "gay." Oh, John and Bill are wonderful gays. Sam and Tom are gay. Well, exactly what does that mean? That the sum total of their sexual preferences are kissing and holding hands? Do people understand how they are being manipulated by words, images and repeated lies?

Is describing what homosexuals do offensive? I have yet to hear one single person say that having sex in someone else's rectum and feces is normal and healthy. Criticizing the filthy practice of sodomy is called "hate speech." How else should one describe sodomy practiced by "gays"? Perhaps I should call it buggery, but it doesn't change the act.

Late Friday night, June 24, 2011, New York became the sixth state of the Union to "legalize" marriage for sexual deviants. The world was immediately flooded with live media feeds of debauchery in several major cities. New York City saw "lots of celebrations." Men who have sex in each other's feces were kissing and groping. Females who slobber in each other's vaginas and other perversions, kissing and hugging. I find that highly offensive. Oh, I know the old argument on this issue about "tolerance" - especially from Libertarians. My personal opinion, which always gets me in trouble with libertarians, is that they confuse licentiousness with liberty.

The cultural war regarding sexual deviants has been waged with increased fervor since AIDS came to the attention of the American people. THAT is when the push really began for "tolerance" and "social justice" regarding sexual deviants. A deadly disease that was infecting and killing thousands spread by men having dangerous sex. Of course, the spread of AIDS and HIV could have come to a near complete stop had men stopped the practice of sodomy. They didn't back in the 80s, and, sadly, the rest is history.

Four Republicans sold out to promote the death of Western civilization and a nation which used to adhere to Christian and moral standards. They need to be booted out of the NY State Senate in 2012: James Alesi, Roy McDonald, Stephen Saland, and Mark Grisanti.

"Sen. Mark Grisanti, a GOP freshman from Buffalo who also had been undecided, also voted for the bill. Grisanti said he could not deny anyone what he called basic rights. "I apologize to those I offend," said Grisanti, a Roman Catholic. "But I believe you can be wiser today than yesterday. I believe this state needs to provide equal rights and protections for all its residents," he said." Grisanti is a Catholic in name only because he spit in God's face with his vote. It was a no brainer morally bankrupt Gov. Andrew Cuomo would sign the bill calling it "social justice."

"Social justice" is just more communist propaganda. I know I'm repeating myself, but it is and has been for more than eight decades the goal of the communists and let me quote Jeri Lynn Ball from her book, Masters of Seduction:

"Communist masters who ran the “former” Soviet Union and East Bloc nations during the Cold War are still in control of these hapless countries today and that they are waging psychological warfare, using the same powerful secret weapon to subjugate Americans that they used to enslave their own people. The Russian totalitarians, Red Chinese, and their globalist American “partners” are using this secret ideological weapon, among other things, to achieve world domination....

"Nikolai Bukharin had previously written “that the revolution's principle task was to ‘alter people's actual psychology.’” In 1928 Bukharin stated that “one of the first priorities is the question of the systematic preparation of new men, the builders of [totalitarian] socialism.” In his book, Soviet Civilization, Andrei Sinyavsky states that the “idea of the new man is the cornerstone of Soviet civilization.”

The communists have never wavered from their goals:

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion.

Change the way people think and believe. Destroy the traditional family and marriage between only a man and woman. Replace with two daddys or two mommies. Promote and condone, as the United States government is doing at every level, the filth of sodomy and all the horrible diseases suffered by sodomites. Sell "gay" regarding lesbians to soften the abomination they commit in God's eyes. Remember: Communism can only flourish in a Godless country; take a good long look at China and North Korea. Next came allowing sexual deviants to adopt precious children and brain wash them with the big lie: Born that way. Sexual deviants adopting children is child abuse condoned by political animals in the state houses more worried about votes from a small minority with an agenda than the welfare of children.

Marriage for more than 5,000 years has always been between a man and woman, not sexual deviants. The psychological warfare that has been underway in this country for decades has been successful in distracting the American people from the core issue regarding sexual deviants and so called "social justice." Throughout history, men who have sex in each other's rectums and feces were identified as homosexuals or queers. They still are and the Internet is replete with web sites proclaiming "We're queer and we're here."

In order to take the stench away from what homosexuals do and the horrible number of preventable deaths from AIDS in the early 80s, clever marketing began in earnest. Homosexuals were now "gay" due to their "sexual orientation." The first really big battle came in 1992 when the voters passed Amendment Two out in Colorado that would would have prohibited "all legislative, executive, or judicial action at any level of state or local government designed to protect the status of persons based on their 'homosexual, lesbian or bisexual orientation, conduct, practices or relationships'."

Of course, lawsuits followed and a preliminary injunction from the trial court prevented the will of the people from ever being law. That injunction was upheld by the Colorado Supreme Court, who along with the trial court, sided saying the rights of sexual deviants was violated regarding participation in the political process. All based on a lie: Born that way.

Next up in the judicial cesspool we had Lawrence v Texas. A total set up to test sodomy laws here in Texas. I read Sex Appealed: "Sex Appealed: Was the US Supreme Court Fooled?"
by Judge Janice Law. She accurately describes how sexual deviants staged a sodomy event so they would be arrested. Now, this is important: If you read no other book on this, read How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary by Dr. Edwin Vieira. It's not one of this 1,000 page tomes, but it is critical in understanding how the courts have driven a stake through the heart of traditional morals in this country. Oh, and that other "out dated" argument about God calling sodomy and women who defile their bodies with each other as an abomination.

READ that book to clearly and fully understand what that U.S. Supreme Court did to this country AND the subversion of our laws. Part I of Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary is: The Illegitimate Insinuation of Foreign Law and Amorialty Into America's Constitutional Jurisprudence. For those conservatives who think Sandra Day O'Connor was a "great" justice of the Supreme Court, I submit that you don't have a clue. Quoting from page 26: "On the other side, Justice O'Connor did not deny that homosexuality is a voluntarily chosen lifestyle..."

There you have it. It doesn't matter sodomites and lesbians are not "born that way" as screeched by the sluttish pop diva "Lady" Gaga. I guarantee you that once you are finished with Edwin's book, you will have a complete education on our rotten judicial system and why favorable decisions to promote sexual deviants is rampant. SHAME on the "conservative" Republicans in the Outlaw Congress (most still in office) who have done nothing to throw activist federal judges off the bench when they've had complete control of Congress over the Democrats.

Is the battle over just because New York has passed such a toxic "law"? Can it be challenged? Yes, but it won't be easy. First, there are religious exemptions.

But, how about business owners who refuse to recognize "same sex marriage"? Let's say Countryside Bank (fictional name) in Madison, NY refuses to open a bank account for Mr. and Mr. Sexual Deviants because the owners of the bank refuse to flush their moral code down the commode. Or, a family who owns a motel refuses to rent a room for the night for Mr. and Mr. or Mrs. and Mrs. Sexual Deviant. The first thing that will happen is the America hating ACLU will jump in and sue. That is why you must read How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary.

Every member of every state legislature who is against the massive effort to normalize sodomy, lesbian sex and "same sex" marriage needs to read that book. If you're a state legislator, buy ten copies and give them to your colleagues because I guarantee you: that very small minority will not stop until they are stopped once and for all.

Legislators must understand how foreign law is being used to usurp the rights of the states and their citizens on this issue. If I had the money, I would send a copy to every Republican in all 50 state houses along with a copy of a factual scientific analysis proving "born that way" is a lie: This is the Way God Made Me'- A Scientific Examination of Homosexuality and the 'Gay Gene'

The whole argument for sexual deviants is "civil rights" and "born that way". In the article above, that propaganda is shredded by scientific truth, not politically correct propaganda and THAT is the hammer that must be used in fighting back the massive push to legalize marriage between sexual deviants. This isn't about "social justice" or "marriage equality" it's about lies promoting filthy and dangerous sexual preferences.

I refuse to use the word "gay" when writing about sexual deviants. I will never recognize "same sex" marriage and I don't care how many laws get passed by some legislature or the Outlaw Congress. If you play the game by the enemies rules, they win. If you don't understand past court rulings by activist judges, legislatures will not be able to defeat bills and the same applies for future lawsuits that will come from sexual deviants marrying in another state and then coming back to the one they reside in and demand New York's law be upheld. It goes without saying that NY will become a magnet for sexual deviants from other states getting "married". This is going to be a nightmare that needs to be fought with the right legal argument. The American people also need to stop electing the same damn "conservative" representatives to the Outlaw Congress who do nothing about impeaching activist judges who use foreign laws in our court system.

Starve the sponsors. Earlier this month, "Gay" Pride Week in Boston paraded in the streets; photos here. Think those types of parades will only stay in the big cities like SF and Boston? Think again. Where was Cardinal Seán O’Malley from the Archdiocese of Boston? The only response to the toxic "same sex" marriage "law" in New York from the Catholic Church was they found it "disturbing". By all that's holy, Cardinal O'Malley should have been out there on the street at that parade denouncing sin!

Starve the sponsors. This is a list of corporations that put big bucks into sponsoring sexual deviants and supporting their agenda. If you don't make your voice heard through your purchasing power, nothing will change. Add Home Depot to the list.

As for the issue of hating homosexuals and lesbians, that is not in my heart. I feel pity and great sadness for those who have been lured into a dangerous and immoral "alternative lifestyle." I hope you can read the uplifting story below about Michael Glatze and why he left the homosexual lifestyle.

Licentiousness: sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd. Unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral.


"'Gay'-rights leader quits homosexuality
AIDS Rate 50 Times Higher in Homosexual Men

Center for Disease Control

1- The risks of sodomy and lesbian sex
2- The Queering of America's Churches
3- The Queering of our military and God's wrath
4- Disease-tainted Gay Blood Threatens Our Troops
5- An excellent read: The Pink Swastika - 4th Edition"

Biblical Perspective: Moral Decline Ahead. Prophecy Comes Alive

War Is in the Air

By David Solway

Reprinted. Emphasis added

When one surveys the world situation, one cannot react with anything but intense disquiet and apprehension. The premonition of imminent catastrophe cannot be shunted aside as unthinkable or as the capricious imaginings of the congenitally unstable. War is in the air, as it was in 1914 and 1939, before the actual outbreak of hostilities. And the flashpoints are instantly discernible, namely, the Middle East and the South Asian theater. The sequel appears to be pretty much inevitable.

In a certain sense, assigning blame for the coming eruption is a useless enterprise. Al-Qaeda and the Iranian Shi’ite regime are only acting in character; they are the carnivores of the current political world and cannot be expected to begin acting like herbivores. They have openly declared their intentions many times over and have given every indication of being willing to use nuclear weapons once they control or develop them. Those of us who downplay the utter fanaticism of Twelver Shi’a theology or the visceral savagery and determination of al-Qaeda—both Iran and al-Qaeda may be plausibly defined as “non-rational adversaries”—are living in the flimsiest of bubbles. Russia and China have regularly collaborated with the potential “slayers of mankind” as it is in their nature to do. The former is concerned with supply-profit, the latter with energy demands, and both with the purpose of further weakening the United States. Their lack of forethought is endemic and incurable. As for the feeble European democracies, they cannot do other than posture and appease in the face of an approaching firestorm. That is part of their genome.

But if responsibility for the gathering storm is to be ascribed, it is to the United States of America, in virtue of its pre-eminent position on the global stage and of its failure, under the most dangerous and politically corrupted president in its history, to address the looming threat. For the U.S. until recently was the only nation in the world that enjoyed the power, the means, the legitimacy and the authority to avert the coming disaster, but has now abdicated that responsibility. Indeed, its conduct in the international arena has been entirely myopic and counter-productive.

Its Libyan intervention is a blatant misadventure, without a clear and sustained strategy and in violation of the War Powers Resolution and the Constitution. Its levying of sanctions against Iran is a mordant joke and has had no effect on deterring the mullahs in their quest for nuclear weapons and the development of a long-range delivery system. Its support of the misnamed Arab Spring has led to the credible prospect of an anti-American and anti-Israeli Muslim Brotherhood regime assuming power in Egypt. Its pressuring Israel to make untenable concessions to the Palestinian Authority has only hardened the latter’s negotiating position and rendered the “peace process” null and void.

The absence of a strong and effective Middle East policy has facilitated the takeover of Lebanon by Hezbollah, empowered Hamas in dominating a unity government with Fatah, and permitted Turkey to drift inexorably into the Islamic orbit. And just as the U.S. had little to say about Iran’s crushing of its own people during the popular revolt of 2009, so it remains essentially mute as Syria’s Bashar Assad slaughters his own countrymen with complete impunity. After all, according to a recent statement of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Bashar Assad is a “reformer.” The comedy of terrors is literally mind-boggling.

The result of the American forfeiture of its political will, practical intelligence and moral inheritance
, as it grows increasingly to resemble the political caricature that goes by the name of the European Union, is all too predictable. It means that there are only two countries in the world left to meet the Islamic nuclear menace: India, which will have to deal with Pakistan in the event that al-Qaeda gains control of the country’s nuclear capability; and Israel, which at tremendous cost to itself will have little choice but to act against a nuclearizing Iran and its terrorist proxies.

There is no point in deluding ourselves any longer or smugly dismissing apocalyptic scenarios as mere unbridled fear-mongering. War is going to break out in the Middle East, possibly later this year and almost certainly in 2012, and eventually in South Asia. There is a stark likelihood that these may be WMD wars. For if Israel is targeted by Hezbollah’s 40,000-50,000 missiles, some of which are reported to be fitted with chemical and biological payloads and which can reach every corner of the country, it may need to reply in cataclysmic kind in order to survive. Abandoned by its American ally and left to its own resources, it may quite simply have no alternative, unless it agrees to commit national suicide. Despite the promising development of the Arrow anti-ballistic missile program, neither preemption—known in customary international law as “anticipatory self-defense”—nor second-strike reprisal can be ruled out. And if the U.S.-subsidized but unreliable Pakistani regime with its estimated 70-90 nuclear warheads goes rogue, with the finger of al-Qaeda on the nuclear button, India too may have no option but to respond in the same manner.

These two potential war zones are heating up. The Japanese Sankei Shimbun newspaper reveals that North Korea dispatched 160 nuclear experts to Iran in May, and Fars News Agency reports on Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardan’s recent visit Tehran to discuss “a vast range of issues.” We can readily imagine what some of these topics will be. Between Iran and Pakistan falls the shadow.

True, the Korean peninsula is also a potential war zone, but despite the North’s aggressive rheteoric and occasional acts of belligerence, it will be restrained by China for which a peninsular war on its borders is not in its interests. North Korea’s mischief making is mainly confined to the export of its nuclear technology and expertise to Iran and Syria. The Middle East and South Asia remain the epicenters of the approaching upheavals.

There is a slight chance that we may emerge from the present inflammable circumstances if we are providentially given two gifts: more time, and a new, vigorous and wiser American administration. Otherwise, those of us who are not immediately and physically implicated would have only one hope, that the carnage stays localized. But there is no guarantee that this will be the case. And we will then have deserved whatever calamity is inflicted upon us for our blindness, self-deception, anemic leadership and languid inactivity in the face of what might have been prevented.

The writing is on the wall and it does not take a Daniel to interpret it.

Posted by Ted Belman @ 9:24 pm 2 Comments »

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Radioactive Dust From Japan Hit North America 3 Days After Meltdown

But Governments "Lied" About Meltdowns and Radiation
by Washington's Blog
Global Research


Mainichi Daily reports today:

Radioactive materials spewed out from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant reached North America soon after the meltdown and were carried all the way to Europe, according to a simulation by university researchers...

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen notes that Seattle residents breathed in an average of 5 "hot particles" a day in April:..

(No, the levels of radiation are not safe.)...

Arnie Gundersen has said that Fukushima is the worst industrial accident in history, and has 20 times more radiation than Chernobyl...

Realize Chernobyl was one core’s worth radiation causing a $200 billion accident and it is still on- going. Here we have 20 cores worth of radiation. Three totally melted, one damaged and the [rest in] spent fuel pumps, 20 cores worth of highly radioactive materials.

Full Story

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Time Magazine relegates Constitution to dust bin - by A Martin

Anthony Martin
National Conservative Examiner

"The Liberty Sphere

Reprinted in full. Emphasis added:

In the most blatant display of anti-Americanism to date for a news magazine, the erudite and the eloquent of the intelligentsia of Time Magazine have relegated the U.S. Constitution to the dust bin of history, suggesting that it is no longer relevant.

The disgusting display was featured as a cover story, 'Does the Constitution Still Matter? '

To most thinking people the question is tantamount to asking about the relevance of the Magna Carta or the Emancipation Proclamation. After all, the U.S. does not face the same circumstances. There are no slaves to be freed, for example.

But to the geniuses at Time the Constitution is to be questioned because the Founders 'could not have envisioned the Great Depression, two World Wars, space exploration, or Lady Ga Ga.' Yes, Lady Ga Ga.

The fact that the Constitution is a scholarly document containing the views of the best minds of the day on timeless truths, rather than a newspaper, seemed to sail right over the pointed heads of Time's bearded, pipe-smoking elitists.

One does not have to know all about the details of life in the future to know timeless truths that pertain to all mankind in all of the vast expanse of history, from start to finish. The concepts of human freedom and inalienable rights given by God are not dependent on the mundane issues of the day. They are relevant for all time because human beings at their core forever remain the same. No matter how far civilization progresses there remains within the human heart temptations to dominate others against their will, to force others to live under restrictions that are indefensible, or to deprive others of rights simply because we may think they do not deserve it or that they are somehow inferior. Humans tend to engage in mob rule unless there is a check on such unbridled power.

The Constitution prevents government from committing these atrocities simply because all governments, in all time-periods, tend to do all of these things. The tendency of power is to gain more power. And power corrupts. This is a lesson from history that the clueless, self-appointed pedagogues at Time have clearly forgotten, if they ever knew it at all.

Barack Obama is famous for saying that the Constitution is flawed because it merely limits government from encroaching on the rights of individuals but fails to positively delineate the rights of government. The concept inherent in such a statement is that we need a rewritten Constitution or a new one that contains these rights of government.

We already have such a document. It is called 'The Communist Manifesto.'

And without the Constitution to prevent government from systematically laying siege to all of the rights of individuals, a vacuum is created that most assuredly will be filled with concepts similar to those contained in The Communist Manifesto. At that point liberty is gone forever. And Time has now thrown its weight behind that movement.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Obama Vs Israel

By Alan Caruba
Warning Signs

Is Obama a Muslim? Does Obama hate Israel? Will Israel be attacked again? Will Iran nuke Israel? Has Maghreb and Middle Eastern turmoil flummoxed the White House? Why did Obama bow to Saudi Arabia’s king? Questions, questions, questions?...

The Muslim “tilt” of the Osama administration would be obvious to a blind man. At one point the U.S. Navy was instructed to call the Persian Gulf the “Arabian Gulf.” Who can forget the President’s weak response to a proposal to build a mosque within a short distance from New York’s Ground Zero, the site of 9/11?...

It is bad enough when various nations openly declare their hostility to Israel, but it is very dangerous when the current regime in Washington demonstrates its hostility in subtle and not-so-subtle ways...

Israel’s enemies may not be willing to wait, seeing the present regime and time as the best and possibly the last opportunity to make good on their threat to “wipe it from the map.”...

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For Biblical perpective:

Booklet sent free upon request: The Middle East in Prophecy

Watch the Telecast - The Middle East in Prophecy

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What next for bisexual America? Think intolerant Islamists and the last days of the Roman Empire

By Grace Vuoto
World Tribune

...There is now a tacit declaration of war on gender categories altogether. Let us remake the universe in our image, argue the sexual renegades of our day...

...this pattern of behavior is not as new as it may appear. During the declining years of the Roman Empire, both homosexuality and bisexuality were in vogue, especially among the upper and ruling classes. It resulted in a general level of decay that made the Empire ripe for the taking — by cultures that placed more emphasis on military prowess and communal goals than on individual self-gratification.

History has shown that the ultimate result of collective hedonism is not greater freedom, but enslavement — to sin, vice and eventually outside enemies. Moral decay inevitably leads to social collapse...

Full story

Will you give in to the lure of "modern morality," or will you choose God's way—
and live, with Christ's help...
Modern Morality and the Ten Commandments
The Plain Truth About Homosexuality!
"The Ten Commandments"

Friday, April 22, 2011

Areas Where Food May Already Have Radioactive Fallout

reprinted in full:
The Entirety of the Northern Hemisphere around the world is affected by fallout, as well as the Pacific Ocean.

Most Serious: Japan, Pacific Ocean, and Pacific Rim States

Most Contaminated food areas of North America (based on fallout wind spread patterns charted by European scientific research agencies) in order of likely intensity of contamination, starting with the most contaminated:

Entire Pacific Coast (note that much of the produce in North America comes from this region, especially California)
Northern U.S. States close to Canada, and Canadian areas close to the U.S. (including Toronto etc.)
Eastern States
Central States of the U.S., and Far Northern areas of Canada


The majority of contamination is in the northern hemisphere and the Pacific Ocean region. Most of the Southern Hemisphere has little to no fallout (the exception is the Southern Hemisphere in the Pacific; Australia for example is finding radioactive fish in the ocean, so although they may not get much atmospheric fallout they are affected by the massive contamination of the Pacific Ocean.)

Also note that radioactive contamination is being found on non-food products being imported from Japan.

Safest Areas of Origin for food products:
Central America (avoid items from the Pacific Coast area of Mexico)
South America

Europe is also far less contaminated that North America, although it is also experiencing significant fallout; so it is a better source for products than North America, however not as good as Southern Hemisphere sources. (However some South American produce may contain high levels of pesticides not allowed to be used in the U.S. or Canada.)


Most affected:

All Ocean-Derived Products from the Pacific Ocean: the Fukushima accident dumped millions of times the normal background levels of radiation into the Pacific, where it is affecting the entire ocean (most toxic near Japan and bordering areas, but now reaching to the US West Coast: debris from the Tsunami in Japan is also expected to start washing up on the West Coast in the near future.) There are already reports of Pacific Fish showing radioactive contamination.

This indicates a need to be cautious regarding:
All Pacific Ocean Fish
Sea Salt or Ocean Minerals derived from the Pacific
All Pacific Seaweed and Sea Vegetables (order Atlantic Ocean seaweed at )

Milk and all Dairy Products (butter, cheese etc.) from all animals: Cows, Goats, and Sheep (Dairy products have the most intense immediate absorption of radiation from fallout). Radioactive contamination of milk has been found throughout the United States, especially on the West Coast.

Any plant with a large surface area exposed to the air while growing: The most intense radiation absorption in plants is through rain falling directly on the leaves of the plant, where it is directly absorbed. Rainwater absorbed through the earth into the plant is already of much lower radiation intensity due to the filtering affect of the soil.

All broad leaf plants and plants with large surface areas grown in the open air (rather than in greenhouses) are the most contaminated, for instance Salad Greens, Spinach, Cabbage etc. Contaminated crops in California (carrying radioactive iodine and cesium) have already been confirmed by UC Berkeley.

[Carrots and other root vegetables are less contaminated due to growing underground.]

Water from Rainwater or Open Lake type catchments: instead drink bottled water, or water from underground wells or other underground sources (radiation is greatly reduced when the particles have to travel through the ground.)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Trump’s rise proves doubts about Obama’s birth can no longer be dismissed

Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Excerpt. Highlights added:
Donald Trump’s potential candidacy for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination has forced the issue of whether Barack Obama was born in America into the mainstream, a question the establishment media has been frantically avoiding.

Mr. Trump is demanding the president reveal his long-form birth certificate. The real estate mogul believes Mr. Obama is deliberately withholding embarrassing or damaging information...

Clearly, his message is resonating with large segments of the Republican base. Even some liberals, such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, are calling for Mr. Obama to release his birth records... Mr. Obama has been the most secretive president since Richard Nixon.

In fact, much is still not known about Mr. Obama’s past. His medical records, academic records and thesis as an undergraduate student all remain hidden from the public.

This is not trivial. Rather, it is crucial to understanding the man occupying the Oval Office
— his background, worldview, intellectual influences as a student, academic performance and overall physical ability to do the toughest job in the world. The American people have a right to full disclosure about their commander in chief...

The birth issue is slowly casting a shadow over Mr. Obama’s presidency; it threatens to undermine public confidence in his legal and moral authority to govern. Several states are pushing to pass laws compelling future presidential candidates — including Mr. Obama — to fully disclose all documents proving their natural born citizenship status. This desire for greater political transparency and accountability is healthy.

It is time Mr. Obama came clean. At a minimum, if he does not reveal his birth certificate, he cannot — and should not — be allowed to run for a second term.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The sexualization of childhood continues

Pundit & Pundette

Ed Morrissey wonders, 'Is it possible to be both disgusted and jaded at the same time?' Oh yes, certainly. I do it all the time. What inspired his question is the advent of 'push-up' bikinis for little girls who have nothing to push up. I'm not surprised, either, but some very uncivil thoughts, involving images of large kettles of boiling oil, pass through my mind when I think of the people responsible for the sexualization of children.

But they wouldn't be selling it if parents weren't buying it.

Along those lines, Jennifer Moses asks, "Why Do We Let Them Dress Like That?"

  • All of which brings me to a question: Why do so many of us not only permit our teenage daughters to dress like this—like prostitutes, if we're being honest with ourselves—but pay for them to do it with our AmEx cards? [. . .]

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Obama handling of Libya polarizes NATO, pushes Turkey into anti-U.S. camp

Strategist: Obama handling of Libya polarizes NATO, pushes Turkey into anti-U.S. camp
By Gregory R. Copley, Editor, Global Information System

The U.S. Obama Administration’s lack of leadership in helping to resolve the Libyan civil war has, among other things, widened the rift between the U.S. and European members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and has made the U.S. increasingly less influential in global strategic issues.
The confused and reluctant approach of the Obama White House has also clearly exacerbated the rift — which official Washington chooses not to see — between Turkey and the U.S., and has hastened the move of Turkey into a strategic camp which is hostile to the U.S. The Obama approach — ... — reflected President Obama’s belief that he must be clear of foreign military operations to successfully win a second term in the White House.
However, it also reflected the very real knowledge that he and many of his friends and associates have been compromised by funds which had been made available to them by Gadhafi in recent years. This is now an open secret in Washington policy circles...
Meanwhile, the U.S. withdrew on March 25 from its temporary operational leadership of the 12-country coalition — which includes Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Qatar, Spain, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates — and allowed NATO as an organization to assume coordination (on March 26) of the “no-fly zone”...
Full Commentary
For Biblical Perspective send for your copy of this booklet
: "The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

America's Gay White House

Warning Signs
By Alan Caruba"

Excerpt, emphasis added:

A news item by Agence Press France flew under the radar of many American news media. On February 25th it reported that “The White House on Friday named Jeremy Bernard to serve as social secretary to President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama, the first male and first openly gay person to hold the position.”

Barack Obama, married and father of two girls, may be straight, but he has proven to be the most active President when it comes to efforts that would establish homosexuality as a “normal” lifestyle in America.
He is not alone in this; it is the goal of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender movement (GLBT) in America.

While I fully expect to evoke howls from the GLBT movement in saying this, the fact remains that no where in nature is homosexuality the norm. It is always an aberration because heterosexuality ensures the propagation of any and all species. It is abnormal for members of the same sex to prefer one another. The recognition of this fact reaches back to the origins of humanity.

...Granting homosexuals the right to marry is an act of societal suicide...

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Check out what the Bible says about it.
The Plain Truth About Homosexuality

Saturday, January 22, 2011

House of Horror Abortion Clinic Ignored for Decades 'House of Horrors' Abortion Clinic Ignored for Decades by Pennsylvania DOH
Posted in: Jerry A. Kane
By Jerry A. Kane
Friday, January 21, 2011

Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell has been charged with murder, infanticide, conspiracy, abortion at 24 or more weeks of pregnancy, corpse abuse, theft, corruption of minors, and solicitation...

According to the grand jury report, Gosnell would induce labor and then kill the premature infants by puncturing their necks and snipping their spinal cords with a pair of scissors.

"[His] approach, whenever possible, was to force full labor and delivery of premature infants … When you perform late-term 'abortions' by inducing labor, you get babies. Live, breathing, squirming babies. . . . Gosnell had a simple solution: he killed them."—Seth Williams, District Attorney...

House of Horrors

•remains of aborted fetuses in shoe boxes and plastic garbage bags were scattered throughout the building;

•parts of aborted fetuses were kept in plastic bags in a refrigerator;

•jars containing the severed feet of babies lined a shelf;

•jars containing the severed feet of babies were in the refrigerator along with staff lunches;

•a baby of at least 28 weeks of gestational age was frozen in a one-gallon water bottle;

•a baby was alive and breathing for 20 minutes until a Gosnell staff member came in and cut its spinal cord;

•operating rooms contained litter boxes and animals were in the rooms during abortions;

•semiconscious women wrapped in bloodstained blankets were moaning in waiting or recovery rooms;

•cat feces were on the stairs;

•the stench of urine stench reeked throughout the building;

•furniture and equipment were dusty, broken, and blood-stained; and

•exits were blocked...

Read entire post

Read also: Victims of American hedonism counted in millions of unborn

..."Abortion is the deliberate, systematic slaughter of babies in the womb. It is state-sanctioned infanticide..."